So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. (Mark 16:19)
Ahh, to be able to sit down after our work is done! Doesn’t it feel good after a long day of getting everyone where they need to go (including yourself), working, making meals, doing laundry, helping with homework, and getting all the children in bed, to be able to just sit?
As mothers and busy women, we should be able to totally rejoice with the Lord on the feast of the Ascension. We understand the delight of being able to sit. With hearts full of gratitude, we thank him for all he has done for us and are happy that Jesus is now seated at the right hand of the Father.
Sitting is a time of rest and refreshment. However, God does not will for us to be idle long. Even Jesus, at times, leaves his heavenly throne to come encourage and inspire us.
Thus, when the Church was in chaos in the 14th century, Jesus arose from his throne and went to a young woman in Siena, Italy, Catherine (whose feast day we just celebrated on April 29). He enlightened her with wisdom and empowered her with courage to promote peace and unity in the Church. Catherine, a Doctor of the Church, always spoke on behalf of her Bridegroom. Jesus, likewise, wants us to have the courage to speak Truth.
In 1673, Jesus visited St. Margaret Mary Alacoque to reveal the burning love of his Sacred Heart. Wanting to combat human apathy, Jesus came to encourage us to receive Communion on First Fridays in honor of his Sacred Heart and to spend time with him in Eucharistic adoration. Jesus wants us to burn with the zeal of his Love.
Then again, in 1931, Jesus appeared to St. Faustina, this time to remind a hopeless world of his magnanimous Divine Mercy. During a time when the world was experiencing great depression, Jesus asked that we trust in Him. He does not want us to forget his love for us and his desire to share eternal happiness with us.
Now, I know that, technically, Jesus is not sitting on a physical throne next to his Father in Heaven. When we profess that we believe that “he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father,” we are confirming that though Jesus took a human nature, he is God, equal to the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Father.
However, “sitting” does imply that one’s work is done. Indeed, Jesus’ work of redemption, for which he was sent into the world by the Father, is complete.
Still, we are working out our salvation and sanctification. Sometimes, when we get a little lost and confused, the Good Shepherd returns to nudge us along. He does not say or do anything new; he just reminds and encourages us. (Sometimes he even sends his Mother!)
So, in honor of the Ascension, be seated in your favorite chair in the house. If it is nice outside, go sit on your porch or deck and breathe in the fresh air. Take a moment to rejoice with our Lord and Savior who ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Glory in all that he has done for us!
But when a child interrupts your quiet time or your husband calls for your attention, when a neighbor needs help or a friend wants to visit, arise. Our work is not yet finished!
“My Father is at work until now, so I am at work” (John 5:17). And so are we. Let’s go share his Truth, Love, and Mercy. We have a kingdom to build!